Brecha 2009

Brecha 2009
1h 29min | Drama
Brecha is a particularly vivid and realistic portrayal of the emotional rupture between a father recently released from jail and his 12 year old son, following a dark family tragedy that no one has strength enough to confront. Herself victim of the same in-communication, the boys grandmother tries her level best at normalizing their lives. However, not counting on the fathers incapacity at forgetting the past, and his sons increasingly peculiar behaviour. All three of them awkwardly attempt to plug the rift, only to worsen the situation with every try, leading them slowly to the brink of a new and permanent – disaster.
User review:
The film moves at an excellent pace, keeping the viewer interested throughout. It is an emotional film and it is not clear where the film is going until the end. It is a well thought through story with fantastic performances, especially from the son. The story coheres together exceptionally well although if I was to criticise at all it may be that the reaction from others to father's behaviour is not quite as realistic as I would envisage. The grandmother also adds a very believable character to the story. I would recommend this to any adult to watch, and I hope they enjoy it. There is no hint here of any production constraints which is incredible when you learn that this film was made from nothing but people's generosity. A true gem in amongst so many films.
Director: Iván Noel
Writers: Francisco Alfonsin, Iván Noel
Stars: Francisco Alfonsin, José Ramón Lafita, Lola Mendoza
Country: Spain
Language: Spanish
Filming Locations: Lebrija, Sevilla, Andalucía, Spain

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